30 December 2012
16 December 2012
Being happy
Gelukkig zijn is iets wat we allemaal
willen uiteindelijk. Iedereen wil lang en gelukkig leven, ze zeggen
het niet voor niks in alle sprookjes. Wat me trouwens even laat
denken aan het feit dat sprookjes en films allemaal oplichters zijn.
Herinner je je mijn post nog over dat ik realistischer moet worden? Dat ik zo denk over vele
dingen in het leven, me alles net iets mooier voorstel, alles wat
romantischer en zweveriger voor me zie, is allemaal te danken aan
alle mooie perfecte dingen in films en de goeie oude Disney klassiekers.
Waarom krijgen we zo'n beeld voorgeschoteld en komen we er dan later
in het lever achter dat het allemaal niet waar is? Waarom willen ze
dat we een onrealistisch beeld krijgen over vooral liefde?
Natuurlijk, het is een mooi ideaal, maar worden we daardoor juist
niet allemaal een beetje te perfectionistisch?
Dit gezeur over onrealistische
verwachtingen in het leven laat me overigens denken aan toen ik
laatst met wat classmates wat ging drinken. Ik had het met iemand
over hoe ik dacht over leven en liefde en blablabla. Hij zei tegen me
dat, hoe ik dacht over alles, misschien eigenlijk helemaal niet zo
raar was. We hebben allemaal wel een bepaald beeld, en het is
misschien allemaal wel gebaseerd op het ideaalbeeld. Alleen heeft
iedereen een andere voorstelling ervan. Hij zei tegen me dat ik het
misschien juist wel goed had, dat mijn beeld over leven en liefde
misschien juist wel klopte, dat het echt zo was, dat alleen niet veel
mensen er niet meer zo over nadenken door dingen die ze mee hebben
gemaakt en andere ervaringen waardoor hun kijk erop veranderd is. Ik
weet het niet, misschien heeft die gelijk, misschien niet, maar het
liet me er even aan denken.
19 November 2012
A good year
Yeah, being sixteen was good for me. I really had a good time. Being sixteen was nice. When I was sixteen I graduated high school almost cum laude, I did get the job I wanted to have for summer and my boss like me, I got into college and did start a study I do like, met my current love, passed all my exams for first period, had a great birthday party and got golden glitter shoes, doesn't that all sound like an amazing year? Of course this year had its ups and dows, I thought I had a depression for a few weeks, but the ups really made it all better. Sixteen was definitely a good year and I'm sure seventeen will be even better, so I can also say like the celebs on MTV; 'When I was seventeen..'
Happy birthday to me!
2 November 2012
Hello November
Oh October was good to me, so please let November be good to me too. October was the month I finished my first period at school. I had my first exams, wrote some good blogs, had loads of fun with new friends, met new people, had the time of my life at an engagement party, and finally received my money for college. But, October had also his bad sides, I had an argue with a good friend, and I'm still not over it.. Such a shame, I still don't know how to handle or what to do with it. Is it just forgiving and forgetting? I doubt it..
I'm sure November will be good to me. This month has already started great, I got my new laptop, went shopping with a friend, discovered that I passed all my exams for this period at school, got a new boyfriend, saw all the nice Christmas lights in my street and I don't have school for the next whole week. Oh yes November is good. Luckily I only have great prospects. I have my birthday party, I will turn seventeen, school is great, friends are great, life is great. And when November ends, it's December, which means; Christmas and New Years eve and all the cute little lights everywhere and the fireworks. Oh I'm so excited, and I don't know why? Luckily we're all such optimists! Let's spread the love and positvity?
24 October 2012
Enjoy the little things
Positieve psychologie,
dat is iets waar ik me op wil richten ja. Altijd positief bloggen. Ik
moet wel zeggen dat bloggen mij enorm geholpen heeft met de knop om
te zetten. Je weet wel, die knop in je hoofd die je negatief laat
denken, die je pessimistisch laat zijn. Die knop moet je zien om te
draaien op een of andere manier en opeens is de wereld een stukje
mooier. Ik weet niet hoe het precies zit, hoe je die knop omkrijgt,
hoe je opeens positief gaat denken. Het zal zeker wel te maken hebben
met de omgeving, de mensen om je heen, de liefde die je krijgt, je
sociale status, je economische situatie; alles ja. Maar het
belangrijkste in positief in het leven staan ben jij. Hoe ga jij om
met verschillende situaties? Hoe jij in het leven staat is van
essentieel belang voor acceptatie van anderen, voor jouw kijk op
liefde, maar vooral voor zelfacceptatie. Nja eigenlijk dwaal ik nu
enorm af en wilde ik het helemaal niet hebben over zelfacceptatie..
Positieve psychologie, that's how we do it!
19 October 2012
Perfect romance
What is it about guys? What is it about romance, where are the times that guys used to let you walk first, open the doors for you and held your purse? I think there are just a few guys left who do such things, or am I totally wrong? Maybe if you're lucky, a guy will ask you to be his date to the engagement party from your classmate. Maybe he will open the doors for you, helps you out of the car, let you walk first. Maybe he will ask you to dance. And maybe, if you're really lucky, he maybe will even smile to you the whole evening.
Yes it happened to me last night, it was a really great night, I really enjoyed every moment of it although I was wearing heels which killed my feet. I had a really good time, wish my classmate all the luck and love in the world for her engagement and hope I will have so many more nights like those.
I don't know what's it going to be with the guy, what is going to happen or what he thinks about it. Now I just hope he doesn't read this. I don't know if I'm supposed to post things such as this, actually.
I just hope for all of you that someday you will find the love of you life, have a beautiful engagement dress, have a lovely engagement party and spend the rest of your life together with him! Just remember that love conquers all ♥
A students life #1
So it has been quite a while since I posted something on my blog.. I can come up with all the excuses but nothing can make it right. Enough apologies and enough said about it.
Although I didn't caught up at all with you, I would life to let you know that I'm pretty fine. My life has changed so much since I go to college. I have to do everything myself now, but I do like it, you know. Living on your own, with all the freedom it takes loads of responsibility, but I think that I can handle it. So the last weeks have been quite tough, but very nice!
So I started college, after the introduction week, school really did start and all the fun and partying had to stop. I must say, it was quite a big change, switching from high school to college. I'm lucky that I have really nice classmates! Somewhere in the second week, I kind of doubted about the study. I just didn't know if I made the right choice. And suddenly I started doubting about everything. That feeling is so frustrating. But, after two classes I just knew I made the right choice!
Well that was the thing about school.. Let's move on to life. Life's great, I do feel pretty good. I like college, I like my new friends, I like my roommates, I like the new gym, I do like my life right now. I have to say, I haven't been as happy as I am right now in weeks, maybe months.
Okay I just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive and that I'm great!
Enjoy your weekend!
9 September 2012
Leaving home part 2
This is my new home in Nijmegen, I've been wanting to show you my room since I got the keys, but I always forgot to take pictures. It's quite small, but I think it's kinda cosy!
1 September 2012
Rindin' solo
We zijn allemaal wel ergens bang voor, maar bang zijn is
anders dan iets spannend vinden. Toch wil ik deze twee dingen met betrekking
tot dit onderwerp samen pakken. Namelijk, nieuwe dingen uitproberen is super
leuk, echt. Je ontdenkt er zoveel door, ervaart iets nieuws en da’s wel zo fijn
om de sleur te doorbreken. Als ik eerlijk moet zijn vind ik het ook eng om
nieuwe dingen te doen, dan bedoel ik niet zozeer om een nieuwe ijssmaak uit te
proberen of gelijk in het extreemste geval te gaan bungee jumpen maar meer in
de richting van alleen ergens naartoe gaan, je ergens voor inschrijven of wat
je maar wilt doen alleen. Maar wat kun je alleen doen en wat je kun je beter
niet alleen doen?
12 August 2012
The thing about luck
weten allemaal dat iedereen ooit wel eens geluk heeft, maar sommige mensen
hebben altijd geluk lijkt het wel. Zo hebben we allemaal wel al eens het geluk
gehad dat we toch nog op tijd kwamen terwijl we dachten dat we het nevernooit
zouden halen. Of hebben we allemaal wel ooit eens iets gewonnen, variërend van
een setje kleurpotloden tot kaarten voor Lowlands, je zult vast ooit wel iets
gewonnen hebben. Maar waardoor winnen we? Is het geluk? Bestaat er zoiets als
geluk hebben in het leven? Is het een kwestie van; het universum gunt het je?
Is het god? Of zijn het Venus en Mercurius die op een lijn staan waardoor er
iets raars gebeurt? Of zijn het gewoon de kansen die we zelf creëren? Is er een
verband tussen geluk hebben en kansen creëren?
1 August 2012
Living life to the fullest
Hoe leef je je leven nou optimaal? Door je dromen achterna te gaan en al je doelen te bereiken in het leven? Of moet je juist optimaal genieten van je leven, doen wat je wilt geen zorgen hebben en hakuna matata om je leven zo fijn mogelijk te laten verlopen. Een andere optie is natuurlijk het nemen zoals het is, zien wat op je pad komt en vooral het meest genieten van de kleine dingen in het leven. Ik denk dat het een kwestie is van de goede balans vinden tussen deze drie.
Laatst heb ik het al gehad over dromen en het behalen van doelen in je leven. Het geeft gewoon een satisfied gevoel, een gevoel dat je gelukkig maakt. Het gevoel van voldoening hebben we denk ik wel nodig in het leven om het een gelukkig leven te noemen. Wel denk ik dat je aan dat gevoel een soort van verslaafd kan raken en altijd nieuwe doelen zult blijven stellen, deze zullen ook hoger en moeilijker te behalen worden. Kwestie van weten waneer het genoeg is denk ik. Dat gevoel, dat je de hele wereld aankunt, ja, dat is wel het ultieme gevoel dat je hebt als je een doel hebt bereikt in je leven dat je al langer probeerde te bereiken. Maar zoals ik al zei, teveel is nooit goed. En als je 'living life to the fullest' ziet als al je doelen in het leven behalen, zal het eerder een spel worden, een lange hindernis. Het leven moet geen hindernis zijn, maar een prettige ervaring, nietwaar?
Hakuna Matata? Ja, als je geen zorgen hebt en alleenmaar geniet, lijkt het leven wel een enorm lange vakantie. Maar door Hakuna Matata zul je wel nooit een doel bereiken in je leven of de drive vinden om een droom achterna te gaan. Careless leven klinkt leuk, dat zal het beslist ook zijn. Kijk maar naar de vakantieperiode, even geen stress van school en werk, het is fijn, maar wel voor eventjes. Stel je voor, je hebt nooit ergens stress van of je maakt je nooit ergens zorgen over. Geen relatieproblemen, geen financiële problemen en alles zal wel weer goed komen. Zo heb je toch geen idee wat er zou kunnen gebeuren? Als je van dag tot dag leeft en niet nadenkt over de toekomst zul je denk ik niet erg oud en wijs worden. Plannen klinkt misschien weer als alleen maar stress, maar het zal je zoveel verder helpen in het leven dan Hakuna Matata. Tuurlijk moet je niet vergeten te blijven lachen en van tijd tot tijd even echt helemaal ontspannen en optimaal genieten van het leven, maar realiseer je wel dat het zo niet de rest van je leven door kan gaan.
Als ik er één moest kiezen van bovenstaande drie, had ik absoluut de derde gekozen, gewoonweg omdat het de meest realistische is. Ik denk dat veel mensen dit als een mooie leefwijze zien. Het leven is nu eenmaal geen sprookje, film of lovesong, het heeft zijn ups en downs en daar moeten we mee leren leven. Dat we teveel klagen is over het algemeen duidelijk. Neem even afgelopen week als voorbeeld. Het was prachtig weer hier. En toch zag je hier een daar wat tweets of status updates voorbij komen met de mededeling dat zij het te warm vonden. Op die manier is het nooit goed. We moeten nog zoveel leren over het leven. Ik denk dat het genieten en waarderen van de kleine dingen toch wel erg belangrijk is.
Natuurlijk, dromen achtervolgen is belangrijk, optimaal genieten van die weken dat je op Ibiza zit is ook prima; maar uiteindelijk moeten we het leven nemen zoals he is, er het beste van maken dat we kunnen en daarbij zeker meer moeten gaan genieten van de kleine dingen in het leven die ons gelukkig maken. Ieder heeft natuurlijk zijn eigen manier van leven, zolang die manier jou gelukkig maakt, moet je het vooral zo blijven doen!
29 July 2012
Let's be realistic
Ja die zin krijg ik inderdaad de laatste tijd vaak te horen als ik vertel over mijn ambitieuze plannen voor de toekomst. Ik wil na toegepaste psychologie nog psychologie aan de universiteit gaan studeren. Ik wil tijdens mijn opleiding in de VS stage lopen, ergens New York of Californië, relatietherapie geven. Ik wil ergens voor mijn 30e huisje, boompje beestje. Alleen nog even kijken waar ik dan ga wonen, misschien Parijs, misschien blijf ik wil in de VS hangen of wordt het toch Australië. Elke zin mag dan wel beginnen met 'ik wil', maar hoeveel van bovenstaande kan ik realiseren? Positief ingesteld als ik ben zou ik zeggen, alles natuurlijk. Als ik het graag genoeg wil en bereid ben er alles aan te doen om het allemaal waar te maken, zou ik in theorie moeten kunnen. Helaas denk ik wel dat het in praktijk een stuk minder gemakkelijker zal zijn. Maargoed, big dreams heb ik wel ja.
Wees eens eerlijk, heb jij dan geen grootse plannen voor de toekomst? Wil jij niet je dromen achtervolgen? Ergens volledig voor gaan? Persoonlijk denk ik dat je eigenlijk niks hebt in je leven om naartoe te streven als je geen doelen voor jezelf stelt. Wanneer mensen doelen in hun leven stellen zeggen naasten al snel dat je misschien ietwat positief bent geweest en misschien iets realistischer moet zijn. Ieder jaar hoor je het week bij de goede voornemens met nieuwjaar. Het klopt inderdaad dat als jouw doel totaal niet realistisch is moeilijker te behalen is. Maar ik denk wanneer je grootse dromen als ultieme doelen in het leven stelt je alleenmaar meer drive vind op de doelen te willen behalen. Dromen is goed, dromen laten je zien hoe het leven zou kunnen zijn en iedereen wil zijn of haar ideale leven toch wel proberen te realiseren of zie ik dat verkeerd?
Nog steeds leef ik in mijn eigen droom wereld, dat heb ik dan ook al meerdere malen gehoord. Eigenlijk is het niet goed, ik heb namelijk geen idee hoe het er in de 'echte' wereld aan toe gaat. Soms wil ik het ook niet weten. Maar zo zal ik nooit oud en wijs worden. Zo had ik van mijn gala grootse verwachtingen doordat ik maar bleef wegdromen bij de hopeloos romantische highschool films. En denk ik nog steeds dat relaties moeten gaan zoals in de romantische komedies; het heeft ups en downs, veel drama, maar uiteindelijk komt alles weer goed. Always.
Ik wil in Parijs wonen met een hopeloos romantische Fransman, in een appartement in het centrum met een balkonnetje waarvan je de Eiffeltoren kunt zien. Ik wil een vakantiehuisje op Bali of ergens aan de kust van Australië, aan het strand liggen met een cocktail en geen zorgen hebben. We dromen allemaal, sommige groot, sommige wat minder groot; maar dromen moet je altijd blijven doen, het maakt het leven zoveel mooier!
17 July 2012
Time to party, again
I told you guys about the study I really wanted to do next year. I also told you that not everyone would get in. Today I got the results and I got in! I'm so freakin' happy. Just wanted to let you guys know (: Tomorrow I have to work and after Cath and I are going to Nijmegen for the 'Nijmeegse Vierdaagsefeesten'; happy thoughts!
15 July 2012
Feels like today
Today is a day I don't want to do anything at all. It was a busy week for me, I had to work a lot, Tuesday till Saturday every day from 12-6 and Thursday from 12-9. Never mind I will see the result on my bank account. Next week is a little less busy luckily. Yesterday I had the birthday party from Cath at her mom's and today at her father's, it was fun but I was way too tired to stay longer at her place to party. We actually want to go to Nijmegen Wednesday for the 'Nijmegse Vierdaagsfeesten', but we're not sure if we can make it.
I know I should apologize for the non active status on my blog. I really want to blog a lot, like when I just started this blog. The thing is -apart from the work schedule- I feel like I've lost 'it'. I don't know what 'it' is, maybe it's just a lack of inspiration, but I'm sure I was the one who said that everything could inspire you. I think it's more than that. It feels like I've lost the 'drive' to write. First I just wrote, didn't matter about what but I could just keep writing. It feels different now. Maybe I over think all of this, but it's important to me. Or well, if it is such an important thing to me, I should do something about it, shouldn't I? I shouldn't try to write something, maybe I should focus a little less about what I write but I should just do it. Yeah, just do it, like a lot of things in life!
I know I should apologize for the non active status on my blog. I really want to blog a lot, like when I just started this blog. The thing is -apart from the work schedule- I feel like I've lost 'it'. I don't know what 'it' is, maybe it's just a lack of inspiration, but I'm sure I was the one who said that everything could inspire you. I think it's more than that. It feels like I've lost the 'drive' to write. First I just wrote, didn't matter about what but I could just keep writing. It feels different now. Maybe I over think all of this, but it's important to me. Or well, if it is such an important thing to me, I should do something about it, shouldn't I? I shouldn't try to write something, maybe I should focus a little less about what I write but I should just do it. Yeah, just do it, like a lot of things in life!
4 July 2012
Leaving home
I signed the lease and got the keys to my new room last Monday. It's official, I'm leaving home. I'm pretty excited to be on my own, but also a little nervous. It seems scary to be all on my own. Of course I have my room mates but it's not the same as family. So the next few weeks I will be busy moving. By the way, it's not a very big room, with a slope ceiling so it's going to be interesting to decorate the room. I am going to live in a very old house with 3 other girls, the house is above a store, so it's right in the shopping area. I'm really glad I found something and now I'm even more excited for next year to begin!
Krystl - Leaving Home
1 July 2012
Rock Werchter 2012
I don't have a lot to talk about, but
I wanted to let you know that I did have an amazing day at Rock Werchter,
notwithstanding that I was solo there. My dad decided to drive me to Belgium and drop me at the station of Leuven . There was supposed to be a bus to drive people to
the festival area. So when the bus stopped I was surprised I had to walk
another1.5km or so to actually reach the festival area.
When I saw the big
'Welcome' sign at the entrance it amazed me how crowded it was, I mean, okay I
did expect something, but this was like crazy. When I reached the begin of the
I discovered it was only the security. When passed, you had to stand in another
line to show your ticket and to get a wristband. I was finally in and Within
Temptation was performing, I already missed ‘The All American Rejects’ and
‘Bombay Bicycle Club’ I was fed up to the back teeth. I decided to take a look
at the festival area and stopped by the merchandise to look if they had maybe a
nice shirt from ‘The Kooks’ or ‘The Maccabees’, unfortunately they didn’t. Then
I bought a drink and watched the last songs of Within Temptation.
When they
were done I decided to stand in the front section of the main stage where ‘Rise
Against’ would perform pretty soon. It was so crowded there and there were mosh
pits, predictable and even worse was that I wanted to go to ‘The Barn’, another
stage, after a few songs from Rise Against to see ‘The Maccabees’. It was a
hell to get out of the front section but I did it and I didn’t miss my
favourite Maccabees song, thank god. ‘The Maccabees’ were really nice to watch
and to listen to. Plus I finally saw Orlando
in real life! Eh when they were done I didn’t know where to go so I went to the
Pyramid Merquee, the third stage, to see what was going on there. Cyprus Hill
was about to begin, I had no idea who it was or what his music was like. I left
after two songs to see Blink 182 perform with a strawberry smoothie in my hand.They
were nice to see, I only knew one song but that was okay. Blink 182 was
finished and I got something to drink and then I had to wait to see Elbow
Elbow was definitely the most beautiful act of the day if you ask me
(this wasn’t because of the guy who was standing next to me a little bit too
close). After Elbow I went to ‘The Barn’ again to see Selah Sue. She had some
nice songs, it was lovely to hear and it was quite crowded. When Selah Sue was
done I went to the Main stage for ‘The Cure’. They was actually a little too
old for me and I didn’t know any of their songs so after let’s say, two songs I
decided I had to go back to ‘The Barn’ to wait an hour for the performance of
‘The Kooks’.
![]() |
Luke Pritchard |
I wanted to stand right in front of the stage but there were
already quite some people when I arrived. When they were almost ready all the
people who sat that hour suddenly stood up and they pushed. They all wanted to
get right before the stage. I did it, I got right before, there were like 3
people in front of me, but I was able to see Luke Pritchard in real in detail.
It was so freaking hot there in the tent but it was absolutely totally worth
it. I had the time of my life at ‘The Kooks’ and they were the best for last
for me. I heard a song from Skrillex on the background when I was getting a
drink before heading home. When I walked back to the bus I heard ‘D.A.N.C.E.
from Justice’, it was a shame that I had to miss those two acts but I was tired
as hell, my feet hurt a lot and I had to work on Friday.
I have to say, I
really had a great time and I will definitely go again next year, maybe all the
four days, maybe only one, I’ll see, but I will!
25 June 2012
It's all about the weekend
I'm sorry I'm quite a non active
blogger now, I really thought I would have a lot more time, also to blog some
more but seems like I was wrong. I just hope you don't mind too much. So let me
tell you about my weekend cause I can honestly it was a really great
Friday was the first time I had to work. As you know, I got the job I
applied for at La Place. I
was quite excited cause it is my first job ever and I had no idea what they
expected from me. After all it was actually pretty okay. If you want to know, I
take care of the hot drinks, like coffee, tea and hot chocolate. It's not a
very challenging job because I only have to press some buttons to operate the
machine. I like it though, I have nice colleagues, quite friendly customers
from different countries and my boss is a nice person, luckily. After work I
had to go home as quick as I could to prepare everything and dress up for my
graduation party. I was really glad Djamilla and her boyfriend were there to
help me. The party was really nice and I had a great time, although the heels I
wore were killing my feet but those shoes were absolutely worth it!
Saturday I had to get up early cause I had to work again. I had a nice
day at work and met some new nice colleagues. When I was on my way home Cath
called me to ask if I received the tickets for the Park City
festival. You know what I’m talking about if you read my last news flash. If
you didn’t, I won two tickets for two days for Park City Live. The thing was,
people from Ticketfest, where I won the tickets, called me Thursday to ask if I
was actually going and what my address was to send me the tickets. On Friday I
still hadn’t received them so I was quite unsure if I actually would receive
something and if, if I received them on time. When I got home, I literally ran
to the mailbox to check if there was something in for me. There was one
envelope in for me but I looked more like a card to congratulate me on my
graduation. I opened it as fast as I could and there were all the four tickets.
I contacted Cath, changed outfit and went as fast as I could to the station
where I would meet Cath and her dad. When we arrived it was already after eight
but those three hours were really great. We had some drinks, watched Within
Temptation perform, danced on La
Fuente , enjoyed every bit of the evening and had a lot of fun
that night. We also met two guys, they were so freaking scary. A funny part was
that when we went home, we had to go by train and we didn’t know where the
station was. If we did get lost we would have missed the last train, which
would be the worst case scenario that could happen on that moment. Luckily we didn’t and were
home around 1am. After we got home we changed clothes, ate something and went
out again.
Sunday was the second day of the Park City
festival. I would take Samantha with me, but she felt a little sick and didn’t want
to stand in the rain for the whole day. I decided to take Cath with me again.
We arrived at the festival around 2pm and it wasn’t too crowded because of the
rain. It did rain quite hard sometimes and the festival area was one big quagmire.
I wore all stars, so you can guess what they looked at the end of the night. Notwithstanding
the rain I had a great time. We laughed, danced on hardcore and Vato Gonzales,
I ate fries since a really long time, saw Ilse DeLange perform, spotted some
nice guys and we had the time of our lives, I know Cath did for sure in any
case. It was her first festival ever and although she didn’t like Ilse DeLange,
her first festival experience was a good one!
My conclusion is that it was a great weekend for sure. Now I have to go
to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow for work. After work I think I
will go shopping, I’m quite early done tomorrow, which is very nice when you
work right in the shopping district. This morning I thought it was going to be a
really boring week, apart from Rock Werchter this week, but seems like I will
be busy! Tomorrow is have to work, Wednesday I have to go to Nijmegen to look
for a few rooms for next year, Thursday is Werchter, by the way, you know I am
going to go solo to Werchter? I know, poor me, but whatever, right? And Friday
and Saturday I have to work again.
Unfortunately I didn't take photos during the Park City festival but if I spot some photos of me on the internet I will definitely share those.
Let’s do this!
17 June 2012
Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year
Well, it definitely was my weekend! I had a job interview on Friday at La Place Restaurant (the food department from a warehouse called V&D), my first one ever. I got the job, I was so happy. I really didn't know what to answer on the questions to be honest, but seems like I did it pretty well for my first time. I start next Friday, I have to work from 10am till 18pm and on Saturday the same time. That means I have to prepare my graduation party earlier this week, I can't party too long and I can't go to Park City on Saturday, damn. But I have to say I'm happy I finally found a summer job. First on Thursday I was told I was graduated with really great marks, then on Friday I got the job I applied for and yesterday I had two graduation parties. It was a really nice weekend, definitely mine! And next weekend is even going to be better. My graduation party, work and the Park City festival on Sunday; happy thoughts!
14 June 2012
Officially graduated
It was kind of obvious that I would graduate, but I wasn't sure about the grades and there was a new demand on graduating this year. It said that the average of all your grades of the subjects you take finals in, so no school exams, should be at least a 5,5. As you may know, or not know, the Dutch school system isn't hard. The lowest grade you can get is an 1 and the highest grade is a 10. Today was the day I got to hear if I was graduated, if I had to retake an exam or if I failed and had to do the year over again. My school would call between 1 and 2pm if you failed or had to retake an exam. My teacher told us that he would call everyone, just to make everything extra clear. After half an hour there were only a few who had been called, they all failed or had to retake an exam. 10 Minutes before time I was getting a little nervous, did my teacher forget me? He said he would call on alphabetical order, but there was a conversation going on, on twitter between a few classmates, and they also didn't know what the teacher was doing. So I just kept waiting. After 2pm had passed I still didn't know if I was graduated, my teacher still hadn't call and there was no list on the school website with all the persons who were graduated. On 2.15pm did my friend start talking to me on Blackberry messenger, she said the teacher called and she was graduated. After 5 minutes I received a call that I was graduated and could pick up my list with grades at school. That moment, I was so damn happy, but still a little nervous about my grades, there was a chance I would retake an exam, just to improve my grade. Luckily my grades were even better than expected and I will not retake an exam. My average of all my grades is exactly a 7,5 and I am so damn happy with that.
12 June 2012
What to wear; graduation party
So I'm looking
for an outfit for my graduation party, as mentioned in this post. I want to wear a cute strapless
dress or nice skirt. When I was shopping in Aachen I didn't look for anything
in particular. I already spotted at V&D a really pretty
skirt, it was a sequin, golden, tulip skirt from Jane Norman. I also
spotted in the Bershka online shop two nice dresses. I was also looking
for some less expensive alternatives, but I didn't find anything I liked, that
H&M dress I spotted looks nice on the picture, but I think that it won't
in real. I think I should just try the dresses Friday when I'm in Maastricht for a job interview and I hope I'll find the Jane Norman skirt in my size, otherwise I found an alternative for it, I spotted a sequin skirt in the Vero Moda online shop, it's a tube skirt with sequins all over, but this one is more expensive. What would you prefer?
1. H&M 17.95€
2. Jane Norman 15€ (on sale)
3. Bershka 25.99€
4. Bershka 25.99€ (on sale)
5. Vero Moda 26.95€
7 June 2012
So I tried to post something a few
days ago just to let you guys know that I am still alive but my internet
connection didn't allow me. The last days were kind of boring. Just to let you
know that I am okay I will share some of my thoughts with you, lovely people.
- I still have no summer job. I
think that is the most important issue I am dealing with. I just don't know,
it's hard to find a job that I like for only a few months. I would like to work
in a restaurant or cafe, is that too demanding? Yes, I thought so too, sounded
like quite an easy job to find something, but unfortunately. They don't want me
to have money. Got to learn to live with that. Although, I think I just search
for something else, I mean come on, I need money.
- That also brings me to the second
point. As you know, I am going to college next year and I have to move to
another city. So I’m also quite busy with looking for a place to live next year
and planning trips to that city to actually see some places in real and meet my
potential room mates, sounds like fun hm.. No, I’m also not so amused about all
the stuff, but hey, I hope it’s true what they say. Maybe your life during
college is the best time in your life, or well, they also said that about high
school and I really don’t think that was true.
- Another thing is that I will get the result of my
finals in one week and I am quite excited about it. I thought all the stress
was over, unfortunately now it’s all just starting. I know people say I don’t
have to worry, they say ‘Why do you worry? We all know you’re graduated for
sure.’’. The thing is, the more days come by to the day of the result, the less
sure I am. I also though I was graduated for sure, I had all the confidence and
maybe there was even a chance I could graduate cum laude. But that was before I
saw the finals of this year. I just have to wait and find a way to pass the
- About the result, if I am graduated I will have a
graduation party. I already sent the invites and I’m still planning everything.
Maybe a kind of risky to already plan a lot because I get the result the 14th,
but hey, planning a party is fun and it kills time. Of course I would like to
show you the invites, let me know what you think! Oh, I only cut my address and
mobile number out of the invitation haha.
- There is a website, called ‘Ticketfest’, where you
-if you have a blackberry prepaid and your provider is Vodafone- can reserve
free tickets to loads of different concerts and festivals. When I took a look
at the website for the first time I saw that they also offered tickets to the
festival ‘Park City Live’. If you have followed my blog for a while, you know I
was also there last year and I had a really great time then. So I wanted and
needed those tickets. And I have good news. I have two free tickets for the
festival, for both days, isn’t that awesome news?! I only have to find out how
I will come there, since my parents aren’t home that weekend and who I will
take with me, but the most important thing, the tickets, is fixed.
- Yesterday I went to Aachen
(that city in Germany ,
you know) with Cath to shop for a summer wardrobe. I didn’t spend a lot of
money, I only bought two things, but I had a good time and I love killing time
by shopping. I’ll show you my new buys in another post!
I guess that was kind of all the new I wanted to share
with you. I hope you now know what has been going on lately, what is going on
and what is waiting for me. It was nice to share my thoughts and I do feel a
lot better now. Maybe the weather isn’t summer’ish at all, but it is summer
break so enjoy every bit of it!
2 June 2012
Who's that girl?
You know the tv show 'New Girl'? Well I heard about it, but I didn't watch it because I thought it was just another American tv show. But after the season finales of 90210 and Pretty Little Liars I needed a new show and I was a little curious, I decided to watch New Girl because of Zoeey Dechanel, I loved her in the movie '500 Days of Summer' so I gave the show a shot. Turned out, I was totally wrong, it was such a nice show to watch. I loved it so much I watched all the 24 episodes of the first season in only three days, crazy. The thing that strongly appeared to me was Jess' (the main character) style; short, cute and colourful, I absolutely loved it. I mean, look at her, doesn't she look adorable? I can't wait for season two and my love for Zoeey Dechanel, high waisted skirts and cute dresses has definitely grown.
1 June 2012
The art of making decisions
Beslissingen nemen in het leven, persoonlijk vind ik het een
van de moeilijkste dingen om te doen. Meestal gaat het namelijk om keuzes en
bij het maken van keuzes kun je niet iedereen pleasen, je zal dus altijd iemand
teleur stellen dat vind ik toch wel altijd jammer. Maargoed beslissingen zullen
we altijd moeten nemen, belangrijke en minder belangrijke. Misschien een
kwestie van prioriteiten die laatste, maar eten kiezen in een restaurant is
toch wel even iets makkelijker dan bijvoorbeeld een vervolgopleiding kiezen.
Het verschil tussen belangrijke en minder belangrijke beslissingen hangt ook af
van het termijn, nietwaar? Zolang je een beslissing moet nemen waarvan het
gevolg pas later komt of langer blijft hangen is het toch ook weer moeilijker.
Misschien denk je namelijk nu wel dat je de juiste beslissing hebt gemaakt,
maar denk je na een paar maanden dat het niet juist was. Het stomme van
beslissingen nemen is dat je het niet meer kunt terugdraaien wanneer het
eenmaal gebeurd is, just like most of the things in life. Als je dan niet de
juiste beslissing hebt gemaakt, second guess je jezelf toch wel even.
Natuurlijk willen we dat allemaal voorkomen en hopen we maar dat we de juiste
beslissing hebt gemaakt, want soms is dat het enige wat je nog kunt doen. Zoals
momenteel weet ik niet of ik wel de juiste keuze heb gemaakt qua
vervolgopleiding. Toegepaste psychologie vind ik leuk en wil ik doen daar ben
ik vrijwel zeker van, maar wat als ik niet word ingeloot. Ga ik dan pedagogiek
doen? Wil ik dan pedagogiek doen? Ik weet het niet, vaak zijn het de what if's
die ons tegen houden. Goed, back to the point. Hoe maak je een juiste en wijze
beslissing waar je later geen spijt van krijgt?
29 May 2012
I'm back
Yes, after 3 weeks of studying my ass off, literally, those chairs during exams really killed your butt, I'm back to blogging. I really missed it, like I also missed photography and having fun with friends. Although the nice, hot and sunny weather we had last days, my last finals were definitely the hardest ones. I'm happy I'm finally officially done with high school, if I don't have to retake an exam, and the last few weeks were hard and I was stressed out, but it's just weird. I'm going to miss it. There, I said it, yes I do, I am going to miss high school. I'm excited for college though. I just don't know. I should just enjoy all the free time I have and the lovely weather. That also brings me to another point. My summer holiday has officially begun and I still don't have a summer job. So I am kind of desperately looking for something, and that enployment agency didn't really help. Tomorrow is my first day off and I am going to empty my locker, look for a job downtown, do a little shopping with a friend and I planned a long work out at the gym. I hope the sun shines tomorrow cause I can use some instant happiness.
Summer is on, enjoy it!
Summer is on, enjoy it!
13 May 2012
Let's do this
Sorry for being such a horrible blogger the last weeks, but as you may know, I am in my senior year and my finals will start tomorrow. I have 6 exams divided over 3 weeks. I am just going to do it. I'll pass my exams and if I'm lucky I will graduate cum laude.
Wish me luck and I love you all!
6 May 2012
First summer buy of the season
I bought my first summer item from this season yesterday, a bright pink tulip skirt it is. As soon as I spotted the skirt in the online shop I didn't know how soon I had to go to a H&M to buy the skirt. It's a little hard to find some nice outfits because of the bright color, but I think it's perfect for summer. The only pity is that the fabric is a little transparent, but I could solve that problem by wearing a basic black skirt underneath it. I hope the sun will shine soon, cause I can't wait to wear this new baby!
skirt 9.95€
2 May 2012
The most significant feature in the other
Wat is het belangrijkst in je partner? Innerlijk, natuurlijk, zullen we allemaal zeggen. Maar in hoeverre klopt dat. We zeggen wel allemaal dat innerlijk belangrijker is, maar als er eenmaal een Channing Tatum voor je staat zullen we het allemaal wel opeens even warm krijgen, ookal blijkt hij een enorme zak te zijn, looks hebben toch wel een grote invloed hoor. Waarom zouden we anders voor iedere gelegenheid minstens een uur voor de spiegel zitten? Maargoed we zijn het er over eens dat innerlijk wel degelijk het belangrijkst is in de ander, maar zoek in dat innerlijk nou eens één ding dat jij het belangrijkst vind in je partner. Tsja, dan kom je niet zo ver he, logisch, we willen te veel, simple as that. We zijn veeleisend dus, ik denk dat het een beetje met de tijd is meegekomen. Over het algemeen zijn we wel een stuk veeleisender geworden hoor, qua kleding, banen, vakanties en ja dus ook qua partners. Maar hoe ver kun je gaan in je eisen tot dat jouw veeleisendheid overgaat in op zoek naar perfectie?
Laatst, oké, eigenlijk best een tijd geleden, had ik het er toevallig met Bram over. Ik had het over iemand die gewoon niet op dezelfde golflengte zat als ik en we daardoor geen fatsoenlijk gesprek konden voeren. Ik associeerde dat met diepgang, ik heb het al eens over oppervlakkigheid en diepgang gehad, waaruit bleek dat ik diepgang in een persoon toch wel belangrijk vind. Bram stelde voor om me dan alleen te focussen op diepgang in een persoon, maar nee, koppig als ik was, moest ik er weer tegen in gaan met argumenten als 'Maar het klinkt zo oppervlakkig om te zeggen dat ik alleen op zoek ben naar diepgang in een persoon'. Maar ja, ik weet dat ik niet veeleinsend moet zijn, natuurlijk in een zekere zin moet je eisen stellen om ook maar enigszins kwaliteit te krijgen, maar te veel eisen is ook niet goed he.
We kwamen tot de conclusie dat het belangrijk is een aantal dingen belangrijk te vinden, in het vinden van, in dit geval, een perfect match. Natuurlijk heeft het ook maar te maken met prioriteiten stellen, zo vind de een vertrouwen belangrijker dan die mooie dromerige ogen en vice versa. Je moet op zoek gaan naar een aantal punten die jij belangrijk vind in en relatie. Die punten zijn voor iedereen verschillend, zo vind ik diepgang een erg belangrijk punt, maar er zullen genoeg mensen zijn die daar niet zo into zijn en daardoor diepgang niet zien als een van de belangrijkste dingen in een partner.
Maar wat zijn een paar punten zul je wel denken. Ja een paar, dat is zo'n subjectief begrip, klopt. Ik kan jou niet zeggen wat een paar punten zijn, daar moet je zelf over oordelen. Natuurlijk zal dat ook te maken hebben met de prioriteiten die je stelt. Ik denk dat het een kwestie is van; schrijf eens op wat jij allemaal belangrijk vind in je soulmate, je zult wel minstens op een half a4-tje komen, streep dan alles weg wat toch niet zo belangrijk is en vervolgens ga je ordenen. Ik denk dat je wel even zult schrikken als je naar het papier kijkt dat volgeschreven staat allemaal eigenschappen waaraan jouw partner moet voldoen volgens jou. Maar hey, af en toe moeten we zelf oof inzien hoe 'erg' het gesteld is met ons.
Eigenlijk wil ik jullie toch wel weer inspireren en activeren om eens wat kritischer naar jezelf qua veeleisenheid te gaan kijken, als je te veeleisend bent zul je natuurlijk nooit gelukkig zijn, niet met jezelf, je partner of ook maar enigzins iets in je leven, wees gewoon eens blij met wat je al hebt. Denk gewoon niet te veel erover na, laat het allemaal gebeuren en houd de belangrijkste punten ergens in je achterhoofd in je zoektocht naar dé persoon. Ik hoop dat ik jullie weer geamuseerd en geinspireerd heb. Geniet van het leven en be happy.
1 May 2012
It's about time
Last days were fun but now it's time for some serious things in life. Friday I went to the gym to don't feel too guilty about the cocktails I had Thursday evening at prom. Friday night I went to a gig from King Jack. I joined a competition to win tickets for that gig bur I didn't win. Lucky for me, the one who did win couldn't go because he had other plans, he asked me if I wanted to go and of course, who was I to reject that offer. Unfortunately my best friend Djamilla had also other plans so she couldn't join me. I couldn't reach Elaine and when I did she told me she had to be at work early the next day. Elaine said I should ask Michelle, of course, how could I forget. Michelle didn't have plans for that evening so we went last-minute to King Jack. When we arrived the support act had just finished their performance. But oh my, King Jack was awesome. They were really doing great on stage, yes they were great live. Their appearance was also pretty great and their music was really enjoyable. Oh and they were really nice to talk to and Michelle got a new tot bag with their signatures and of course, we had to take a picture with them. Although I had still sore feet, Friday was a good day! Enough about Friday, on Saturday I did nothing and then I mean really nothing. It was a lazy day for me. Sunday evening was pretty okay. I went dancing again on Queensnight at the cafes with a few friends. Hm, yesterday was also nice. I actually worked the whole day on the 'Parkfestival' for Queensday, it's a festival organised by my old primary school. You can sell your stuff on a flea market, kids can play games and make pretty things like bracelets, you can listen to live music, see dance performances and buy loads of different kinds of food and drinks. I had a great time, it was good to see some people again from the old times. I just went to an employment agency to find a job for the summer and they would contact me later, finally there is some hope now. Oh and Chantal finally ordered a ticket for Rock Werchter so we can go together, I'm sure it's going to be even more fab than Pinkpop last year with her. Now I must go study for my exams because I have kept postponing it way too long today. And oh, I should also go to the gym, bleh, I don't want to, but hey, I didn't go for 3 days so I really must. Although, maybe I'll just go for a run after finishing studying. Enjoy this beautiful evening with still a lot of sunshine then I will go do my obligations, eventually.
King Jack - Some Girls
29 April 2012
27 April 2012
26 April 2012
Prom night
As you may know,
or not know, tonight's prom night. I don't feel excited to be honest and I
don't know why, I've been excited for this for months and now that feeling is
just gone. Nevermind, I'm going to finish cleaning my room, then I'm going to
polish my nails, take a bath, clean my face, wash my hair, shave, bodylotion
etc. After I'm going to do my hair, I still don't know what to do with it,
because I saw an awesome tutorial which looks classy but still not too much,
it's an half-updo. Then make-up, have dinner, dress up and go. Okay as I see
this it looks like I'm going to need hours and hours but I think it won't take
as much as as it looks. After writing this I have to admit I'm getting a little
excited about it. Actually, I don't expect much of the whole prom, they say the
first 10 minutes are nice; you see everyone, drink something, talk a little and
then it's over. You've already seen everyone with their nice dresses and come
on, I don't think people will actually dance on those high heels. But okay, I'm
going to make the best of it, in my best dress, fearless. I'll show you
pictures of my outfit this evening if I have time to schedule and pictures
of the night later, hopefully tomorrow.
20 April 2012
Couldn't be any happier
I'm really satisfied with my life right now and personally I think you should appreciate those moments. Reasons to be happy right now:
- I am officially going to Rock Werchter. The music festival I had to attend this year, it's only one day I will go, but it's the one day I wanted to go. I'm going to see Rise Against, Blink 182, The Kooks, The Maccabees, The All American Rejects, Elbow, Skrillex, Bombay Bicycle Club, Selah Sue, Azealia Banks, Within Temptation, The Cure and many more. I'm so excited!
- I retook my English listening comprehension test and it exactly turned out the way i wanted it. I improved my note and I will start my finals with an 8 (on a scale of 1-10), isn't that great.
- I'm getting closer to my goal weight and isn't seeing results that hard work pay off one of the best feelings in the world?
- My blog finally passed the 20.000 pageviews and I am so thankful for that. Thank you all, I love you!
- The sun is shining and who isn't happy when the sun shines?
- Today was the first time in months I saw someone who was also jogging in the park, I considered it as a sign that summer is really coming and more and more people will go outside.
- Today at school I had only one class, but I didn't know. First I was kind of mad because what was I going to do for two hours? I decided to study for my finals and I'm glad I did.
- Prom is in less than a week, oh yeah!
- Finals are coming which means school is over, summer is in and it's time for a fresh new start; college.
Now I am going to change clothes and go for a nice work-out with a friend who's waiting for me at the gym.
Enjoy little things in life!
19 April 2012
Give-me-summer mood
Today after my only class for the day I went window shopping, just to kill time. Of course I got some inspiration and even more predictable I found some new items to add to my summer wishlist. Maybe if you saw my earlier posts (here and here) about my wishful summer items you can see the kind of style I adore during summer season. Let's enjoy the sunshine we have for now and pray for an early summer.
pink trousers 19.95€
crochet skirt 19.95€
orange bikini
top 9.95€
bottoms 7.95€
white braided belt 4.95€
green bag 9.95€
aviator sunglasses 5.95€
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