16 September 2013

Perfect romance part 2

Remember last year, when I wrote a post about my friend's engangementparty? I was just so blown away by all the things he did for me. And I wanted to have more nights like those, well my wish came true because yesterday it was time for my friend's wedding party. I had a wonderful night, I really did. My heels were killing my feet cause I walked to the station, with Him though, that did make it all a little better.

We danced, we laughed, we had fun and smiled to each other the whole night. I had a great night and I hope the bride did as well. I wish her all the luck and love in the world for her marriage.

I was a little doubtful about the guy, what would happen next. But as you all know it all turned out fine. You can read the story of us here. It all started at the engagementparty. Thank you!

I just hope for all of you that someday you will find the love of you life, have a beautiful wedding dress, have a lovely wedding party and spend the rest of your life together with him! Just remember that love conquers all ♥ 

11 September 2013

The key to happiness

De sleutel tot gelukkig zijn is keuzes maken, de goede keuzes. Ik zal je nu al zeggen, als jij gelukkig wilt zijn, moet je voor jezelf gaan. Je moet kiezen voor jezelf. Waarschijnlijk zullen veel mensen nu van mij zeggen dat ik een ongelooflijke egoïstische bitch ben, maar eigenlijk maakt me dat helemaal niks uit, want ik heb wel geleerd, dat ik voor mezelf moet kiezen.

In deze maatschappij wordt het misschien beschouwd als iets dat absoluut niet kan, in vele culturen is het enorm belangrijk om het geluk van anderen voorop te zetten en voor anderen te kiezen. In China moet je bijvoorbeeld altijd zorgen voor je ouders als zij later te oud zijn om dat voor zichzelf te doen. Ik snap dat wel hoor, echt wel. Het is natuurlijk fijn als je anderen gelukkig maakt door hen te helpen. Maar weet je wat het is, je kunt anderen wel blijven helpen en verantwoordelijkheid voor hen nemen, maar uiteindelijk word je daar ontzettend moe van

8 September 2013

In the end

In the end the only things that count is to love and to be loved.

1 September 2013

The story of us

Do you remember the little story I told you guys about an engagement party from my classmate? I thought that you maybe want to know how this ended? How it is with that guy? If I still speak to him and did have more nights like those? Let me tell you first that everything's alright, with me, with him and with us. It's almost a year ago now, the engagement party and at this time The guy and me are today happily ten months together.

I will tell you our story. As you may know if you read the post, or not know, it all started at my classmate's engagement party. I was at my room in Nijmegen where I study and I was, of course, a little late because I underestimated the time I had for getting dressed and getting my hair done. So I had to hurry to get it all done on time. I also had to hurry to be on time at the train station. Of course I was a little unlucky and my train didn't ride, so I had to take a bus to Arnhem, where the party was. I had a little luck on my side, cause I did catch the bus on time. While sitting in the bus I was talking over the phone with The guy about how ridiculous we felt in our outfit in the public transportation. The guy who was sitting next to me just smiled a little scary to me and tried to look at my screen, he couldn't read what I was saying. At a given moment I started talking about dates and said I didn't have a date for that night. I didn't mean anything at all with that statement, I just hoped that he said that he didn't have a date either so that I wasn't the only one. Turned out that nobody had a date. He said to me that he already wanted to ask me to be his date for the evening but he'd rather ask me in person. I was flatterd and shocked. I mean, why me? I started blushing and I think the guy next to me definitely noticed that. I said to The guy that I almost arrived at the station where I woud meet him and a few other classmates to go to the party. So I ended the conversation and said that I would wait at the taxi place.