17 June 2012

Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year

Well, it definitely was my weekend! I had a job interview on Friday at La Place Restaurant (the food department from a warehouse called V&D), my first one ever. I got the job, I was so happy. I really didn't know what to answer on the questions to be honest, but seems like I did it pretty well for my first time. I start next Friday, I have to work from 10am till 18pm and on Saturday the same time. That means I have to prepare my graduation party earlier this week, I can't party too long and I can't go to Park City on Saturday, damn. But I have to say I'm happy I finally found a summer job. First on Thursday I was told I was graduated with really great marks, then on Friday I got the job I applied for and yesterday I had two graduation parties. It was a really nice weekend, definitely mine! And next weekend is even going to be better. My graduation party, work and the Park City festival on Sunday; happy thoughts!