29 July 2012

Let's be realistic

Ja die zin krijg ik inderdaad de laatste tijd vaak te horen als ik vertel over mijn ambitieuze plannen voor de toekomst. Ik wil na toegepaste psychologie nog psychologie aan de universiteit gaan studeren. Ik wil tijdens mijn opleiding in de VS stage lopen, ergens New York of Californië, relatietherapie geven. Ik wil ergens voor mijn 30e huisje, boompje beestje. Alleen nog even kijken waar ik dan ga wonen, misschien Parijs, misschien blijf ik wil in de VS hangen of wordt het toch Australië. Elke zin mag dan wel beginnen met 'ik wil', maar hoeveel van bovenstaande kan ik realiseren? Positief ingesteld als ik ben zou ik zeggen, alles natuurlijk. Als ik het graag genoeg wil en bereid ben er alles aan te doen om het allemaal waar te maken, zou ik in theorie moeten kunnen. Helaas denk ik wel dat het in praktijk een stuk minder gemakkelijker zal zijn. Maargoed, big dreams heb ik wel ja. 

Wees eens eerlijk, heb jij dan geen grootse plannen voor de toekomst? Wil jij niet je dromen achtervolgen? Ergens volledig voor gaan? Persoonlijk denk ik dat je eigenlijk niks hebt in je leven om naartoe te streven als je geen doelen voor jezelf stelt. Wanneer mensen doelen in hun leven stellen zeggen naasten al snel dat je misschien ietwat positief bent geweest en misschien iets realistischer moet zijn. Ieder jaar hoor je het week bij de goede voornemens met nieuwjaar. Het klopt inderdaad dat als jouw doel totaal niet realistisch is moeilijker te behalen is. Maar ik denk wanneer je grootse dromen als ultieme doelen in het leven stelt je alleenmaar meer drive vind op de doelen te willen behalen. Dromen is goed, dromen laten je zien hoe het leven zou kunnen zijn en iedereen wil zijn of haar ideale leven toch wel proberen te realiseren of zie ik dat verkeerd?

Nog steeds leef ik in mijn eigen droom wereld, dat heb ik dan ook al meerdere malen gehoord. Eigenlijk is het niet goed, ik heb namelijk geen idee hoe het er in de 'echte' wereld aan toe gaat. Soms wil ik het ook niet weten. Maar zo zal ik nooit oud en wijs worden. Zo had ik van mijn gala grootse verwachtingen doordat ik maar bleef wegdromen bij de hopeloos romantische highschool films. En denk ik nog steeds dat relaties moeten gaan zoals in de romantische komedies; het heeft ups en downs, veel drama, maar uiteindelijk komt alles weer goed. Always.

Ik wil in Parijs wonen met een hopeloos romantische Fransman, in een appartement in het centrum met een balkonnetje waarvan je de Eiffeltoren kunt zien. Ik wil een vakantiehuisje op Bali of ergens aan de kust van Australië, aan het strand liggen met een cocktail en geen zorgen hebben. We dromen allemaal, sommige groot, sommige wat minder groot; maar dromen moet je altijd blijven doen, het maakt het leven zoveel mooier!

17 July 2012

Time to party, again

I told you guys about the study I really wanted to do next year. I also told you that not everyone would get in. Today I got the results and I got in! I'm so freakin' happy. Just wanted to let you guys know (: Tomorrow I have to work and after Cath and I are going to Nijmegen for the 'Nijmeegse Vierdaagsefeesten'; happy thoughts!

15 July 2012

Feels like today

Today is a day I don't want to do anything at all. It was a busy week for me, I had to work a lot, Tuesday till Saturday every day from 12-6 and Thursday from 12-9. Never mind I will see the result on my bank account. Next week is a little less busy luckily. Yesterday I had the birthday party from Cath at her mom's and today at her father's, it was fun but I was way too tired to stay longer at her place to party. We actually want to go to Nijmegen Wednesday for the 'Nijmegse Vierdaagsfeesten', but we're not sure if we can make it.

I know I should apologize for the non active status on my blog. I really want to blog a lot, like when I just started this blog. The thing is -apart from the work schedule- I feel like I've lost 'it'. I don't know what 'it' is, maybe it's just a lack of inspiration, but I'm sure I was the one who said that everything could inspire you. I think it's more than that. It feels like I've lost the 'drive' to write. First I just wrote, didn't matter about what but I could just keep writing. It feels different now. Maybe I over think all of this, but it's important to me. Or well, if it is such an important thing to me, I should do something about it, shouldn't I? I shouldn't try to write something, maybe I should focus a little less about what I write but I should just do it. Yeah, just do it, like a lot of things in life!

4 July 2012

Leaving home

I signed the lease and got the keys to my new room last Monday. It's official, I'm leaving home. I'm pretty excited to be on my own, but also a little nervous. It seems scary to be all on my own. Of course I have my room mates but it's not the same as family. So the next few weeks I will be busy moving. By the way, it's not a very big room, with a slope ceiling so it's going to be interesting to decorate the room. I am going to live in a very old house with 3 other girls, the house is above a store, so it's right in the shopping area. I'm really glad I found something and now I'm even more excited for next year to begin!  

Krystl - Leaving Home

1 July 2012

Rock Werchter 2012

I don't have a lot to talk about, but I wanted to let you know that I did have an amazing day at Rock Werchter, notwithstanding that I was solo there. My dad decided to drive me to Belgium and drop me at the station of Leuven. There was supposed to be a bus to drive people to the festival area. So when the bus stopped I was surprised I had to walk another1.5km or so to actually reach the festival area.

When I saw the big 'Welcome' sign at the entrance it amazed me how crowded it was, I mean, okay I did expect something, but this was like crazy. When I reached the begin of the I discovered it was only the security. When passed, you had to stand in another line to show your ticket and to get a wristband. I was finally in and Within Temptation was performing, I already missed ‘The All American Rejects’ and ‘Bombay Bicycle Club’ I was fed up to the back teeth. I decided to take a look at the festival area and stopped by the merchandise to look if they had maybe a nice shirt from ‘The Kooks’ or ‘The Maccabees’, unfortunately they didn’t. Then I bought a drink and watched the last songs of Within Temptation.

When they were done I decided to stand in the front section of the main stage where ‘Rise Against’ would perform pretty soon. It was so crowded there and there were mosh pits, predictable and even worse was that I wanted to go to ‘The Barn’, another stage, after a few songs from Rise Against to see ‘The Maccabees’. It was a hell to get out of the front section but I did it and I didn’t miss my favourite Maccabees song, thank god. ‘The Maccabees’ were really nice to watch and to listen to. Plus I finally saw Orlando in real life! Eh when they were done I didn’t know where to go so I went to the Pyramid Merquee, the third stage, to see what was going on there. Cyprus Hill was about to begin, I had no idea who it was or what his music was like. I left after two songs to see Blink 182 perform with a strawberry smoothie in my hand.They were nice to see, I only knew one song but that was okay. Blink 182 was finished and I got something to drink and then I had to wait to see Elbow perform.

Elbow was definitely the most beautiful act of the day if you ask me (this wasn’t because of the guy who was standing next to me a little bit too close). After Elbow I went to ‘The Barn’ again to see Selah Sue. She had some nice songs, it was lovely to hear and it was quite crowded. When Selah Sue was done I went to the Main stage for ‘The Cure’. They was actually a little too old for me and I didn’t know any of their songs so after let’s say, two songs I decided I had to go back to ‘The Barn’ to wait an hour for the performance of ‘The Kooks’.

Luke Pritchard

I wanted to stand right in front of the stage but there were already quite some people when I arrived. When they were almost ready all the people who sat that hour suddenly stood up and they pushed. They all wanted to get right before the stage. I did it, I got right before, there were like 3 people in front of me, but I was able to see Luke Pritchard in real in detail. It was so freaking hot there in the tent but it was absolutely totally worth it. I had the time of my life at ‘The Kooks’ and they were the best for last for me. I heard a song from Skrillex on the background when I was getting a drink before heading home. When I walked back to the bus I heard ‘D.A.N.C.E. from Justice’, it was a shame that I had to miss those two acts but I was tired as hell, my feet hurt a lot and I had to work on Friday.

I have to say, I really had a great time and I will definitely go again next year, maybe all the four days, maybe only one, I’ll see, but I will!