15 July 2012

Feels like today

Today is a day I don't want to do anything at all. It was a busy week for me, I had to work a lot, Tuesday till Saturday every day from 12-6 and Thursday from 12-9. Never mind I will see the result on my bank account. Next week is a little less busy luckily. Yesterday I had the birthday party from Cath at her mom's and today at her father's, it was fun but I was way too tired to stay longer at her place to party. We actually want to go to Nijmegen Wednesday for the 'Nijmegse Vierdaagsfeesten', but we're not sure if we can make it.

I know I should apologize for the non active status on my blog. I really want to blog a lot, like when I just started this blog. The thing is -apart from the work schedule- I feel like I've lost 'it'. I don't know what 'it' is, maybe it's just a lack of inspiration, but I'm sure I was the one who said that everything could inspire you. I think it's more than that. It feels like I've lost the 'drive' to write. First I just wrote, didn't matter about what but I could just keep writing. It feels different now. Maybe I over think all of this, but it's important to me. Or well, if it is such an important thing to me, I should do something about it, shouldn't I? I shouldn't try to write something, maybe I should focus a little less about what I write but I should just do it. Yeah, just do it, like a lot of things in life!