16 February 2013

Just a thought

Lately I have been watching the new MTV series Catfish. I'ts about people who fall in love online. People who meet the love of their life on the internet. Unfortunately people lie on the internet. So when Nev, the man who made the film Catfish and turned it into a tv show, helps -mostly girls- to find the truth about the person they have fallen in love with, he finds loads of doubtful things. The first episode is about Sunny who is in love with Jamison. Jamison is a 20-something handsome guy and has been in a relationship with Sunny for over 8 months. When Nev finally convinced Jamison to meet in real life with Sunny, Sunny and Nev are both shocked. It turned out that Jamison isn't a 20-something handsome guy, it's a 18year old girl named, Chelsea. So this is where my thought comes from. How can you fake a relationship for eight months and not feel any emotions? How can you fake a relationship without being emotionally involved in it for eight months? I do get that people lie on the internet and people can fake a lot. But after all, when you talk with a person a lot, you do build a band together right? And if you see you have hurt somebody, just out of revenge, how can you not feel sorry or any other emotion? I just don't get it. I know that you can fake a lot of things, that you can fake a relationship over the internet, quite easy as I see now. But a relationship for eight months without getting emotionally involved? Maybe it's just me who doesn't get it. Maybe I'm too naive and too dreamy to get those kind of things..

I just want love to be something pretty.

5 February 2013

Great loves

Laatst heb ik weer alle seizoenen van Sex and the City gekeken. As you may know, doe ik dat redelijk vaak, maar ik geniet er nog iedere keer van. In seizoen 5, episode 1 (eigenlijk is het echt belachelijk dat ik dat ook nog uit mijn hoofd weet..) maakt Charlotte een opmerking over zogenaamde 'great loves'. Volgens een magazine kun je maar 2 'great loves' hebben. Carrie vindt dit bullshit, misschien komt het doordat ze er al 2 gehad heeft, Big en Aiden. Ik heb er dan nog geen twee gehad maar persoonlijk betwijfel ik die uitspraak ook. Waarom zou je er maar twee kunnen hebben? En waarom twee, waarom niet drie of vier? 'Great loves' zijn mooi, voelen goed en is het beste wat je kan overkomen. Maar wat houdt dat eigenlijk ik zo'n 'great love'?