25 June 2012

It's all about the weekend

I'm sorry I'm quite a non active blogger now, I really thought I would have a lot more time, also to blog some more but seems like I was wrong. I just hope you don't mind too much. So let me tell you about my weekend cause I can honestly it was a really great weekend! 

Friday was the first time I had to work. As you know, I got the job I applied for at La Place. I was quite excited cause it is my first job ever and I had no idea what they expected from me. After all it was actually pretty okay. If you want to know, I take care of the hot drinks, like coffee, tea and hot chocolate. It's not a very challenging job because I only have to press some buttons to operate the machine. I like it though, I have nice colleagues, quite friendly customers from different countries and my boss is a nice person, luckily. After work I had to go home as quick as I could to prepare everything and dress up for my graduation party. I was really glad Djamilla and her boyfriend were there to help me. The party was really nice and I had a great time, although the heels I wore were killing my feet but those shoes were absolutely worth it!

Saturday I had to get up early cause I had to work again. I had a nice day at work and met some new nice colleagues. When I was on my way home Cath called me to ask if I received the tickets for the Park City festival. You know what I’m talking about if you read my last news flash. If you didn’t, I won two tickets for two days for Park City Live. The thing was, people from Ticketfest, where I won the tickets, called me Thursday to ask if I was actually going and what my address was to send me the tickets. On Friday I still hadn’t received them so I was quite unsure if I actually would receive something and if, if I received them on time. When I got home, I literally ran to the mailbox to check if there was something in for me. There was one envelope in for me but I looked more like a card to congratulate me on my graduation. I opened it as fast as I could and there were all the four tickets. I contacted Cath, changed outfit and went as fast as I could to the station where I would meet Cath and her dad. When we arrived it was already after eight but those three hours were really great. We had some drinks, watched Within Temptation perform, danced on La Fuente, enjoyed every bit of the evening and had a lot of fun that night. We also met two guys, they were so freaking scary. A funny part was that when we went home, we had to go by train and we didn’t know where the station was. If we did get lost we would have missed the last train, which would be the worst case scenario that could happen on that moment. Luckily we didn’t and were home around 1am. After we got home we changed clothes, ate something and went out again.

Sunday was the second day of the Park City festival. I would take Samantha with me, but she felt a little sick and didn’t want to stand in the rain for the whole day. I decided to take Cath with me again. We arrived at the festival around 2pm and it wasn’t too crowded because of the rain. It did rain quite hard sometimes and the festival area was one big quagmire. I wore all stars, so you can guess what they looked at the end of the night. Notwithstanding the rain I had a great time. We laughed, danced on hardcore and Vato Gonzales, I ate fries since a really long time, saw Ilse DeLange perform, spotted some nice guys and we had the time of our lives, I know Cath did for sure in any case. It was her first festival ever and although she didn’t like Ilse DeLange, her first festival experience was a good one!

My conclusion is that it was a great weekend for sure. Now I have to go to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow for work. After work I think I will go shopping, I’m quite early done tomorrow, which is very nice when you work right in the shopping district. This morning I thought it was going to be a really boring week, apart from Rock Werchter this week, but seems like I will be busy! Tomorrow is have to work, Wednesday I have to go to Nijmegen to look for a few rooms for next year, Thursday is Werchter, by the way, you know I am going to go solo to Werchter? I know, poor me, but whatever, right? And Friday and Saturday I have to work again.

Unfortunately I didn't take photos during the Park City festival but if I spot some photos of me on the internet I will definitely share those.  

Let’s do this! 

17 June 2012

Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year

Well, it definitely was my weekend! I had a job interview on Friday at La Place Restaurant (the food department from a warehouse called V&D), my first one ever. I got the job, I was so happy. I really didn't know what to answer on the questions to be honest, but seems like I did it pretty well for my first time. I start next Friday, I have to work from 10am till 18pm and on Saturday the same time. That means I have to prepare my graduation party earlier this week, I can't party too long and I can't go to Park City on Saturday, damn. But I have to say I'm happy I finally found a summer job. First on Thursday I was told I was graduated with really great marks, then on Friday I got the job I applied for and yesterday I had two graduation parties. It was a really nice weekend, definitely mine! And next weekend is even going to be better. My graduation party, work and the Park City festival on Sunday; happy thoughts!

14 June 2012

Officially graduated

It was kind of obvious that I would graduate, but I wasn't sure about the grades and there was a new demand on graduating this year. It said that the average of all your grades of the subjects you take finals in, so no school exams, should be at least a 5,5. As you may know, or not know, the Dutch school system isn't hard. The lowest grade you can get is an 1 and the highest grade is a 10. Today was the day I got to hear if I was graduated, if I had to retake an exam or if I failed and had to do the year over again. My school would call between 1 and 2pm if you failed or had to retake an exam. My teacher told us that he would call everyone, just to make everything extra clear. After half an hour there were only a few who had been called, they all failed or had to retake an exam. 10 Minutes before time I was getting a little nervous, did my teacher forget me? He said he would call on alphabetical order, but there was a conversation going on, on twitter between a few classmates, and they also didn't know what the teacher was doing. So I just kept waiting. After 2pm had passed I still didn't know if I was graduated, my teacher still hadn't call and there was no list on the school website with all the persons who were graduated. On 2.15pm did my friend start talking to me on Blackberry messenger, she said the teacher called and she was graduated. After 5 minutes I received a call that I was graduated and could pick up my list with grades at school. That moment, I was so damn happy, but still a little nervous about my grades, there was a chance I would retake an exam, just to improve my grade. Luckily my grades were even better than expected and I will not retake an exam. My average of all my grades is exactly a 7,5 and I am so damn happy with that.

12 June 2012

What to wear; graduation party

So I'm looking for an outfit for my graduation party, as mentioned in this post. I want to wear a cute strapless dress or nice skirt. When I was shopping in Aachen I didn't look for anything in particular. I already spotted at V&D a really pretty skirt, it was a sequin, golden, tulip skirt from Jane Norman. I also spotted in the Bershka online shop two nice dresses. I was also looking for some less expensive alternatives, but I didn't find anything I liked, that H&M dress I spotted looks nice on the picture, but I think that it won't in real. I think I should just try the dresses Friday when I'm in Maastricht for a job interview and I hope I'll find the Jane Norman skirt in my size, otherwise I found an alternative for it, I spotted a sequin skirt in the Vero Moda online shop, it's a tube skirt with sequins all over, but this one is more expensive. What would you prefer?

1. H&M 17.95€
2. Jane Norman 15€ (on sale)
3. Bershka 25.99€
4. Bershka 25.99€ (on sale)
5. Vero Moda 26.95€ 

7 June 2012


So I tried to post something a few days ago just to let you guys know that I am still alive but my internet connection didn't allow me. The last days were kind of boring. Just to let you know that I am okay I will share some of my thoughts with you, lovely people. 

- I still have no summer job. I think that is the most important issue I am dealing with. I just don't know, it's hard to find a job that I like for only a few months. I would like to work in a restaurant or cafe, is that too demanding? Yes, I thought so too, sounded like quite an easy job to find something, but unfortunately. They don't want me to have money. Got to learn to live with that. Although, I think I just search for something else, I mean come on, I need money.
- That also brings me to the second point. As you know, I am going to college next year and I have to move to another city. So I’m also quite busy with looking for a place to live next year and planning trips to that city to actually see some places in real and meet my potential room mates, sounds like fun hm.. No, I’m also not so amused about all the stuff, but hey, I hope it’s true what they say. Maybe your life during college is the best time in your life, or well, they also said that about high school and I really don’t think that was true.
- Another thing is that I will get the result of my finals in one week and I am quite excited about it. I thought all the stress was over, unfortunately now it’s all just starting. I know people say I don’t have to worry, they say ‘Why do you worry? We all know you’re graduated for sure.’’. The thing is, the more days come by to the day of the result, the less sure I am. I also though I was graduated for sure, I had all the confidence and maybe there was even a chance I could graduate cum laude. But that was before I saw the finals of this year. I just have to wait and find a way to pass the time.
- About the result, if I am graduated I will have a graduation party. I already sent the invites and I’m still planning everything. Maybe a kind of risky to already plan a lot because I get the result the 14th, but hey, planning a party is fun and it kills time. Of course I would like to show you the invites, let me know what you think! Oh, I only cut my address and mobile number out of the invitation haha.
- There is a website, called ‘Ticketfest’, where you -if you have a blackberry prepaid and your provider is Vodafone- can reserve free tickets to loads of different concerts and festivals. When I took a look at the website for the first time I saw that they also offered tickets to the festival ‘Park City Live’. If you have followed my blog for a while, you know I was also there last year and I had a really great time then. So I wanted and needed those tickets. And I have good news. I have two free tickets for the festival, for both days, isn’t that awesome news?! I only have to find out how I will come there, since my parents aren’t home that weekend and who I will take with me, but the most important thing, the tickets, is fixed.
- Yesterday I went to Aachen (that city in Germany, you know) with Cath to shop for a summer wardrobe. I didn’t spend a lot of money, I only bought two things, but I had a good time and I love killing time by shopping. I’ll show you my new buys in another post!

I guess that was kind of all the new I wanted to share with you. I hope you now know what has been going on lately, what is going on and what is waiting for me. It was nice to share my thoughts and I do feel a lot better now. Maybe the weather isn’t summer’ish at all, but it is summer break so enjoy every bit of it!

2 June 2012

Who's that girl?

You know the tv show 'New Girl'? Well I heard about it, but I didn't watch it because I thought it was just another American tv show. But after the season finales of 90210 and Pretty Little Liars I needed a new show and I was a little curious, I decided to watch New Girl because of Zoeey Dechanel, I loved her in the movie '500 Days of Summer' so I gave the show a shot. Turned out, I was totally wrong, it was such a nice show to watch. I loved it so much I watched all the 24 episodes of the first season in only three days, crazy. The thing that strongly appeared to me was Jess' (the main character) style; short, cute and colourful, I absolutely loved it. I mean, look at her, doesn't she look adorable? I can't wait for season two and my love for Zoeey Dechanel, high waisted skirts and cute dresses has definitely grown. 

1 June 2012

The art of making decisions

Beslissingen nemen in het leven, persoonlijk vind ik het een van de moeilijkste dingen om te doen. Meestal gaat het namelijk om keuzes en bij het maken van keuzes kun je niet iedereen pleasen, je zal dus altijd iemand teleur stellen dat vind ik toch wel altijd jammer. Maargoed beslissingen zullen we altijd moeten nemen, belangrijke en minder belangrijke. Misschien een kwestie van prioriteiten die laatste, maar eten kiezen in een restaurant is toch wel even iets makkelijker dan bijvoorbeeld een vervolgopleiding kiezen. Het verschil tussen belangrijke en minder belangrijke beslissingen hangt ook af van het termijn, nietwaar? Zolang je een beslissing moet nemen waarvan het gevolg pas later komt of langer blijft hangen is het toch ook weer moeilijker. Misschien denk je namelijk nu wel dat je de juiste beslissing hebt gemaakt, maar denk je na een paar maanden dat het niet juist was. Het stomme van beslissingen nemen is dat je het niet meer kunt terugdraaien wanneer het eenmaal gebeurd is, just like most of the things in life. Als je dan niet de juiste beslissing hebt gemaakt, second guess je jezelf toch wel even. Natuurlijk willen we dat allemaal voorkomen en hopen we maar dat we de juiste beslissing hebt gemaakt, want soms is dat het enige wat je nog kunt doen. Zoals momenteel weet ik niet of ik wel de juiste keuze heb gemaakt qua vervolgopleiding. Toegepaste psychologie vind ik leuk en wil ik doen daar ben ik vrijwel zeker van, maar wat als ik niet word ingeloot. Ga ik dan pedagogiek doen? Wil ik dan pedagogiek doen? Ik weet het niet, vaak zijn het de what if's die ons tegen houden. Goed, back to the point. Hoe maak je een juiste en wijze beslissing waar je later geen spijt van krijgt?