19 November 2012

A good year

Yeah, being sixteen was good for me. I really had a good time. Being sixteen was nice. When I was sixteen I  graduated high school almost cum laude, I did get the job I wanted to have for summer and my boss like me, I got into college and did start a study I do like, met my current love, passed all my exams for first period, had a great birthday party and got golden glitter shoes, doesn't that all sound like an amazing year? Of course this year had its ups and dows, I thought I had a depression for a few weeks, but the ups really made it all better. Sixteen was definitely a good year and I'm sure seventeen will be even better, so I can also say like the celebs on MTV; 'When I was seventeen..' 

Happy birthday to me!

2 November 2012

Hello November

Oh October was good to me, so please let November be good to me too. October was the month I finished my first period at school. I had my first exams, wrote some good blogs, had loads of fun with new friends, met new people, had the time of my life at an engagement party, and finally received my money for college.  But, October had also his bad sides, I had an argue with a good friend, and I'm still not over it.. Such a shame, I still don't know how to handle or what to do with it. Is it just forgiving and forgetting? I doubt it.. 

I'm sure November will be good to me. This month has already started great, I got my new laptop, went shopping with a friend, discovered that I passed all my exams for this period at school, got a new boyfriend, saw all the nice Christmas lights in my street and I don't have school for the next whole week. Oh yes November is good. Luckily I only have great prospects. I have my birthday party, I will turn seventeen, school is great, friends are great, life is great. And when November ends, it's December, which means; Christmas and New Years eve and all the cute little lights everywhere and the fireworks. Oh I'm so excited, and I don't know why? Luckily we're all such optimists! Let's spread the love and positvity?